The weather man

creator: abraham morginsky

Basic Information

Full Name: The Weather Man

Age: 10

Date of Birth: June 13th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: White/Tan

Hair Color: Brown

Race: White

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: Tennessee & Italy

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Loyal

The Weather Man never gives up on friends or homework, even if the homework is hard or the friend is annoying.

Saint Quality: Joyful

The Weather Man always tries his best to be as happy as he can be and not groan when he is given hard assignments.

Creator Quality: Adventurous

The Weather Man never backs down from any adventure and loves going into bad weather.


Staff of Reading

The Weather Man asks the Staff of Reading what he wants to know and the Staff tells him. However, it must be written down in some way or the Staff cannot tell him.

Suction Cup Hands & Feet (retractable)

The Suction Cups help him climb up walls so The Weather Man can chase after enemies or escape from traps.

Allying Dreadful Weather (Only)

The Weather Man controls the weather when it is bad, which stops villains from carrying out their evil plans. The catch is... he can only control the weather when it is bad, such as hurricanes or blizzards. If it is sunny, he is mostly defenseless.