The Boxing Master

creator: julian barrientos

Basic Information

Full Name: The Boxing Master

Age: 10

Date of Birth: September 2nd, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Toast

Hair Color: Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: Denver & Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Strong

The Boxing Master's veins pop out, he gets strong, and the force comes out of him while he is fighting.

Saint Quality: Selfless

When The Boxing Master sees bad people messing with other people, he helps them and he doesn't care if he gets hurt.

Creator Quality: Stylish

The Boxing Master looks very good and his hair is stylish and combed down silky.


Grabbing the Ring

The Boxing Master uses his force to grab a boxing ring so he can fight his villains in the ring.

Spray Paint Hands

The Boxing Master has Spray Paint Hands. He loves art and graffiti, so he sprays the villains in the eyes with blue and red paint that is like pepper spray.

Power Punch

The Boxing Master's super Power Punch makes villains fly back when he punches them.