shadow boy

creator: dut dut

Basic Information

Full Name: Shadow Boy

Age: 11

Date of Birth: January 31st, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Race: African American

Language(s): English, Dinka, Arabic

Origin/Heritage: Africa, United States

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

Shadow Boy is not scared and he takes down his fears.

Saint Quality: Loving

When his family is in trouble, Shadow Boy comes to protect them.

Creator Quality: Silly

When someone is sad, Shadow Boy comes to make them happy.



When Shadow Boy gets spotted, he uses his cape to be invisible.

Super Speed

When people try to catch Shadow Boy, they can't because he’s too fast.

Super Dance Power

When people try to hit Shadow Boy, he uses his fresh moves to dodge them.