
creator: emma carachure

Basic Information

Full Name: Oceana

Age: 10

Date of Birth: September 24th, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): English & Spanish

Origin/Heritage: California & Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Kind

If someone is very little hurt, Oceana still goes up to them and asks if they are okay.

Saint Quality: Selfless

If Oceana and her partner both solve a case but Oceana gets all the credit, then she makes sure they both receive credit because her partner is just as important.

Creator Quality: Silly

If Oceana sees a random person that is feeling sad, then she does a little act to make him laugh so the person can be happy.


Sea Animal & Plant Communication

Oceana can call up a Sea Kraken and plants in the ocean to help her fight criminals and grab them.

Sea Shells Rise

Oceana can make sharp sea shells come up from the water and launch them at the bad guy to stab him.

Tsunami Attack

Oceana can make a tsunami appear anywhere. The tsunami would be huge, even if she had just a little bit of water!