miss sporty

creator: fatima castaneda lopez

Basic Information

Full Name: Miss Sporty

Age: 11

Date of Birth: March 14th, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Brown/Straight

Race: Latina/Hispanic

Language(s): English & Spanish

Origin/Heritage: Mexico & Denver

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

Miss Sporty does anything to save someone, even if it is dangerous.

Saint Quality: Joyful

Miss Sporty always has a happy attitude no matter what.

Creator Quality: Active

Miss Sporty always has to be doing something, like helping others and even teaching others.


Magical Lacrosse

Miss Sporty can magically get a lacrosse stick with an infinity ball in it. She throws the ball at the bad guy and knock them out.

Running Speed

Miss Sporty uses her running speed to help others who need to get out of somewhere fast.

Super Wristband

Miss Sporty has a wristband with buttons on it for GPS, calling, and a camera. It's really cool!