MExican Pencil

creator: daniel torres torres

Basic Information

Full Name: Mexican Pencil

Age: 11

Date of Birth: January 24th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): Spanish & English

Origin/Heritage: Mexico & Denver

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Powerful

Mexican Pencil has a lot of muscles to pick up a car and all that stuff.

Saint Quality: Determined

Mexican Pencil never gives up on kicking the villains' butts and making them cry to their moms.

Creator Quality: Athletic

Mexican Pencil is able to move fast... like faster than lighting!


Pencil Lead

Mexican Pencil is able to shoot pencil lead from his palms. The lead shoots out and if you get hit by one... you are going to be hurting!

Lacrosse Ball Power

Mexican Pencil’s eraser is a pocket for a lacrosse ball so that he can shoot it at the villains. When they are hit with the lacrosse ball, they go flying!

Lightning Speed

Mexican Pencil is able to move faster than the villains and this helps him catch anyone.