Lightning Ghost

creator: jonathan gonzalez-martinez

Basic Information

Full Name: Lightning Ghost

Age: 11

Date of Birth: July 8th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Peach-ish

Hair Color: Black

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): Spanish, English

Origin/Heritage: Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

Lightning Ghost is not easily frightened or scared of doing hard challenges.

Saint Quality: Joyful

Lightning Ghost loves to see smiles on people's faces when he does funny things and make jokes.

Creator Quality: Kind

Lightning ghost is kind to all and loves to help people.


Lightning Bolt

Lightning Ghost can throw lightning bolts out of his hands at a high rate it of speed. When he throws lightning bolts at his enemies, they shock them.


Lightning Ghost can build anything that other people can't see for special occasions and to help him fight his enemies.

Ghost Car

When Lightning ghost whistles, his Ghost Car comes for him and picks him up. The Ghost Car can go through walls and be invisible.