la mexicana

creator: ruby ruelas

Basic Information

Full Name: La Mexicana

Age: 10

Date of Birth: July 16th, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Peach

Hair Color: Brown

Race: Latina/Hispanic

Language(s): English & Spanish

Origin/Heritage: Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Kind

La Mexicana helps others when they need it and is not rude to others when they ask for help because she has no reason to be rude.

Saint Quality: Joyful

La Mexicana is positive all the time and not sad. She makes others joyful and has no negative attitude.

Creator Quality: Funny

La Mexicana laughs a lot and is goofy with others. There will not be one moment where she will not smile.


The Hair Whip

La Mexicana whips her hair and her hair gets long and ties the bad guy by the feet. Then, her hair gets short and drags the bad guy .

The Ball Catcher

La Mexicana spikes a ball and in mid-air it turns into a net and catches the bad guy so the bad guy can't move.

Mean Senses

La Mexicana can sense if someone is being mean and tracks them down to tell them to make good choices or else.