La florecita

creator: yuridia hernandez tapia

Basic Information

Full Name: La Florecita

Age: 11

Date of Birth: November 7th, 2007

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Race: Latina & American

Language(s): English & Spanish

Origin/Heritage: Mexico & Colorado

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Brave

La Florecita is never hesitant to help others. Even if she is afraid, she will do everything she can.

Saint Quality: Loving

La Florecita forgives everyone, even those who hurt her. Also, she is always understanding and loves everyone.

Creator Quality: Leader

When given a job as leader, La Florecita takes her role really seriously. If no one knows what to do, she takes the lead.


Feeling Detector

When she tells her mind to, La Florecita can see people's feelings and can see his/her heart. Then, she can talk to them and ask them why they are feeling that way.

Plant Attack

La Florecita has green gloves so flowers can distinguish her. When she talks the language of flowers, they do her every command.

Book Live

When La Florecita calls the name of a character and the name of a book, the character comes to life and follows her every word so she can defeat villains and stop bad people.