La Artista Magica

creator: julieta ochoa

Basic Information

Full Name: La Artista Magica

Age: 11

Date of Birth: February 1st, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Light Tan

Hair Color: Black

Race: Hispanic & White

Language(s): Spanish & English

Origin/Heritage: Mexico & United States

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Smart

La Artista Magica uses her knowledge to make her own gadgets to save people in a secure way.

Saint Quality: Humble

La Artista Magica makes others feel good about themselves and doesn't act like she's the best because it makes others feel bad.

Creator Quality: Creative/Artistic

La Artista Magica always thinks of creative ways to save people or help them. She is also a fantastic artist.


Magic Paintbrush

She has a paintbrush (stored in her belt) that makes whatever she draws come to life. Having this advantage, La Artisa Magica can draw her own vehicles, gadgets, weapons, and even her own costume.

Go Away Hairdryer

When La Artista Magica uses this really strong hair dryer, it blows her foe away and on to the moon!

Flag Sidekicks

La Artista Magica has two sidekicks: an eagle and snake (who both are on the Mexican flag). They have the stripes and stars on them (which are on the American flag). Fierce Eagle is indestructible, so he is her shield. Sly Snake is flexible, so he ties up the enemy like a rope.