Ice Man

creator: ronnie vigil

Basic Information

Full Name: Ice Man

Age: 10

Date of Birth: September 27th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Light Tan

Hair Color: Tan Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): English & Russian

Origin/Heritage: Colorado

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

When Ice Man is in a building that is on fire, he is not scared and he has no fear!

Saint Quality: Selfless

Ice Man always puts other people first before himself.

Creator Quality: Funny

Ice Man is hilarious and good at making jokes.


Cold Power

Ice Man walks on ice without slipping or falling and barely gets cold without something warm. He runs in snow storms and on ice to save someone.

Ice Staff

Ice Man's Ice Staff creates "Rain Hell", which is an ice storm. If there is a fire, it creates clouds full of icy rain to puts out the fire and saves the people.


Ice Man can parkour stuff like walls to catch criminals.