creator: ivan zubia

Basic Information

Full Name: Hot Boy

Age: 11

Date of Birth: November 13th, 2007

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Black

Race: Latino

Language(s): Spanish & English

Origin/Heritage: Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Kind

No matter what happens, Hot Boy is kind, even if someone mean to him. Hot Boy always says “Being kind is first.”

Saint Quality: Joyful

Hot Boy is always joyful no matter what and makes other people smile when they are sad.

Creator Quality: Active

Hot Boy is never stops moving and always tries to catch the bad guy.


Fly Pepper Fly

Every time a villain try’s to run from me Hot Boy can just throw a Pepper and they were stop and to cry.

Sleepy Head

Hot Boy can use a pillow with bricks for a shield.

Get Dunk On

Hot Boy can throw something at the villains and a net comes out so he dunks on and gets them trapped.