
creator: rikki bragg

Basic Information

Full Name: Fulmini (Italian for "lightning")

Age: 10

Date of Birth: April 30th, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: White/Peach

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Race: White

Language(s): English,French,Italian

Origin/Heritage: United States, Mexico, Norway, Scotland, and England

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Brave

Fulmini is not afraid to save people, even if she is uncomfortable when doing it.

Saint Quality: Humble

When Fulmini saves someone, she does not brag to others.

Creator Quality: Unique

Fulmini is true to herself and doesn't care what anyone says about her.



Fulmini can shoot crocheting needles out of her hands and yarn is attached to them to work as a grappling hook.


When Fulmini wears her Super Glasses, she can see through anything so she can see bad guys before they see her.


Fulmini can teleport any wear and when she does lighting summons so she can teleport across the world to go help people .