crafty girl

creator: tadia hernandez ramierez

Basic Information

Full Name: Crafty Girl

Age: 10

Date of Birth: July 31st, 2008

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): English & Spanish

Origin/Heritage: Durango, Puebla, Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

Crafty Girl goes into the scariest situations if she has to so she can save someone.

Saint Quality: Loving

Crafty Girl loves everybody, even though they might not the nicest people.

Creator Quality: Funny

Crafty Girl will make people smile or laugh when they are scared or not feeling the best.


Popsicle Power

Crafty Girl thinks of what she wants to make out of Popsicle sticks in her head and they will quickly morph and come to life.

Knitting Bomb

Crafty Girl has a pack full of knitted balls that have bombs inside and they explode 3 seconds later.

Animal Language

Crafty Girl can talk to animals and help them on anything they need.