Cool man

creator: arturo dosal-casias III

Basic Information

Full Name: Cool Man

Age: 11

Date of Birth: May 20th, 2007

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Race: Hispanic

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: Denver & Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Brave

Cool Man stands up for his friends, people he doesn't know, and family. He is also scared, but he don't show it.

Saint Quality: Selfless

If someone is in trouble, Cool Man will stop talking, eating, playing, and doing everything to help.

Creator Quality: Active

Cool Man can do backflips, front flips, play soccer and any other sport, and likes to try different kinds of games.


Football Hand

When a bad guy is running away, Cool Man creates a football in his hand and throws it so he falls and they can get him.

Watch Map

Cool Man has a watch to tell him where to go when something bad is happening so he doesn't go the wrong. This makes him get to the crime faster.

Wall Walker

Cool Man has special shoes that make him walk on the walls with so he doesn't wait for the cars when there is a lot of traffic or so he doesn't need to walk behind people.