captain hyper

creator: edgar salas-vasquez

Basic Information

Full Name: Captain Hyper

Age: 11

Date of Birth: July 23rd, 2007

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Black

Race: Latino

Language(s): Spanish & English

Origin/Heritage: Denver & Mexico

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Brave

Captain Hyper will be brave by not letting anything get in his way when he trying to save someone.

Saint Quality: Loving

Captain Hyper is caring by getting wherever he needs to be quickly when someone needs help.

Creator Quality: Smart

Captain Hyper knows what to do when someone is hurt.


Stick Gum Trap

Captain Hyper will shoot stick gum out of his shoulders and it will stick the people on to it.

Takkis Powder

Captain Hyper will shoot the Takkis Powder from his eagle logo and it will burn his enemy's eyes.

SUPER Magical Pen

Captain Hyper will draw something that he needs and it will appear.