Captain Chicken FArt

creator: garang madot

Basic Information

Full Name: Captain Chicken Fart

Age: 10

Date of Birth: April 15th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Race: African American

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: South Sudan, United States

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Kind

Captain Chicken Fart is not mean but nice and respectful to people because that is what a hero does.

Saint Quality: Dedicated

Captain Chicken Fart saves whoever is in need of help, no matter what or who.

Creator Quality: Funny

Captain Chicken Fart makes people laugh when they are sad or mad.


Chicken Bolt

A Chicken Bolt is a lightning bolt in the shape of a chicken. It hurts really badly and it comes out Captain Chicken Fart's hands.

Fart Launcher

Captain Chicken Fart shoots farts at bad guys. They go to sleep and Captain Chicken Fart leaves him or her for the cops.

Fart Speed

When Captain Chicken Fart is running not that fast, he farts and then he can go very fast!