Aweil Man

creator: deng edwang

Basic Information

Full Name: Aweil Man

Age: 10

Date of Birth: September 13th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Black

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Race: African American

Language(s): English, Dinka, and Arabic

Origin/Heritage: Denver, South Sudan

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Smart

Aweil Man thinks before he does stuff and he has this special glasses so he doesn't fall for a trap.

Saint Quality: Humble

Aweil Man doesn't brag for what he gets or does.

Creator Quality: Funny

Aweil Man makes his friends laugh if they are having a bad day and he makes funny jokes.


Bilingual Laser

When Aweil Man fights he says words in Dinka, Arabic, and English and those words control the person he is fighting.

Super Soccer Kick

Aweil Man kicks super hard soccer ball at the enemy.

Hula Strength

Aweil Man gets a hula with hot beans and throws it at the enemy so it melts on him or her.