Activity Girl

creator: nevaeh infante

Basic Information

Full Name: Activity Girl

Age: 11

Date of Birth: October 19th, 2007

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Light Tan

Hair Color: Brown

Race: Latina

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: Denver

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Powerful

Activity Girl stops harm if people are doing something bad to each other.

Saint Quality: Brave

When Activity Girl is scared to do something like jumping off a plane, she just does it and jumps off!

Creator Quality: Caring

When someone is pain, she makes them happy and takes them where there are supposed to be.


Water Launch

When Activity Girl sees a boy or girl hurting another person, she turns on the Water Launch so water comes out of her hands and feet to spray them.

Volley Hit

When Activity Girl sees a criminal, she makes a volleyball out of her hands and throws it at them.

Drawing Master

If Activity Girl needs help or backup, she draws something and it comes to life.