Dependability A volunteer shall be responsible for his/her scheduled times and must notify school staff immediately if not able to meet this commitment.

Respect for Authority A volunteer shall respect the authority of the school staff and the school administration.

Impartiality A volunteer shall favor no one side or party more than another in all school situations.

Objectivity A volunteer shall not let his/her personal feelings enter into his/her work as a volunteer.

Appearance A volunteer shall follow school dress code, always remembering that he/she is setting an example for the students.

Social Media Volunteers may not post any information, pictures, or videos taken at the school on any social media or communication platform while in a volunteer capacity. There are rules the district must follow to permit such things.

Confidentiality A volunteer shall not discuss school matters or information concerning students with anyone but the designated school staff. If you need help with a student, discuss the matter professionally with the teacher, counselor, assistant principal, or principal.

All information you are told about a student is confidential and sharing that information with others may be a violation of the law.

Although the student is free to share confidential information with you, there are certain things that you are required by law to tell a campus administrator:

  • If a student confides that he or she is the victim of sexual, emotional, chemical, or physical abuse, or is considering homicide or suicide, or is involved in any illegal activity, you must notify the student’s principal immediately.

  • Document the information that was reported and to whom it was given.

  • Remember, this information is extremely personal and capable of damaging lives, so do not share it with anyone except the campus administrator.