Artificial Social Intelligence Workshop

ECCV 2024 

In-Person 🇮🇹 and Hybrid Options Available


Social Intelligence in AI Systems

Humans have social intelligence that enables them to engage with others through nonverbal communication (e.g, body language) and verbal communication (e.g., natural language), among other modalities.  Social intelligence plays a crucial role in helping humans navigate daily interactions and has been a key factor driving the very emergence of norms and culture governing society. There has been a growing interest across computing communities to build social intelligence competencies such as social perception, social memory, and social reasoning in artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These systems with artificial social intelligence could enable richer, more seamless human machine interactions to support human health and well-being in homes, hospitals, manufacturing, and other settings.  

Research priorities, problem definitions,  and modeling frameworks to endow AI systems with social intelligence competencies can vary across computing communities (and have varied in prior decades). What are core technical challenges and future opportunities for cross-field collaboration to advance the science of social intelligence and socially-intelligent AI? Alongside benefits to society, what are ethical concerns, safeguards, and risks to building social intelligence in AI systems? 

Our ECCV 2024 workshop welcomes anyone interested in artificial social intelligence to discuss these questions and more! 



(alphabetical order, schedule will be released soon)

Michael Black

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Shalini De Melo


Gustav Henter

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Maja Pantic

Imperial College London/Meta

Yaser Sheikh


Micol Spitale

Politecnico di Milano

Alane Suhr

UC Berkeley


Coming soon!

We will post the full workshop schedule of keynote talks and brainstorming sessions here.



Leena Mathur


Evonne Ng

UC Berkeley

Fiona Ryan

Georgia Tech

Sangmin Lee


Paul Liang


Gül Varol

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Shiry Ginosar

UC Berkeley/Google

Hanbyul Joo

Seoul National University

Justine Cassell

 INRIA Paris

James Regh


Louis-Philippe Morency


Location and Zoom Link

Location - TBD

Time - TBD

Information on the ECCV Workshop timing and in-person location will be posted here, as soon as ECCV notifies us. There will be a hybrid online option for attendance, as well. 

To help inform our workshop planning for in-person and remote attendees, please feel welcome to RSVP below!

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