New Gmail & Magic Tips

New Gmail features include:

  • Confidentiality
  • Nudging, Smart Reply & Notifications
  • Inbox tools on hover - snooze, open attachments, archive
  • Tighter integration with Calendar, Keep & Tasks
  • Collapsible side bar menu
  • New standard options such a Canned Responses

Read the blog post.

Confidentiality Mode

With confidential mode, it’s possible to protect sensitive content in your emails by creating expiration dates or revoking previously sent messages. Because you can require additional authentication via text message to view an email, it’s also possible to protect data even if a recipient’s email account has been hijacked while the message is active.

Nudging & Smart Reply with AI / Machine Learning

Smart Reply. Smart Reply processes hundreds of millions of messages daily and drives more than 10 percent of email replies.

Nudging. Most of us get more emails than we can deal with at one time and things slip through. With Nudging, Gmail will proactively remind you to follow up or respond to important messages.

High Priority Notifications: High-priority notifications is a new setting that only notifies you of important messages, keeping interruptions to a minimum. Gmail can also recommend when to unsubscribe from mailing lists

Accomplish more from your inbox with easy-to-use tools - New SNOOZE

We redesigned the Gmail web application to help you take action even quicker. Now you can see and click attachments in your inbox before ever opening a thread. You can also hover over messages (you don’t have to click into them) to do things like RSVP to a meeting invite, archive an email thread or snooze an email until the time is right.

Tighter integration with GSuite Apps such as Calendar, Keep & Tasks

Quickly reference, create or edit Calendar invites, capture ideas in Keep or manage to-dos in Tasks all from a side panel in your inbox. The side panel also makes it easy to access Gmail Add-ons, too, like third-party business apps you might use. This way you don’t have to switch between tabs or apps to get work done

Email is becoming increasingly unmanageable!

There are many 'magical tricks' waiting for you to apply to gMail to make it more manageable and ensure you don't miss those important messages.

Inbox Types ~ there are two inbox types I recommend. I'll show you them and tell you when each one fits best.

Themes ~ Changing your theme now and then can lift your spirits.

Labels ~ if you like to organize your mail you can create labels.

Filters & Labels Combined Make Magic

Apply Label on specific incoming mail ~ I've got a green label called 'Paychek & I've got a blue one called 'Mom' so all the messages from my mom are 'blue' and always collected in one 'folder.' Once you know how to do this it can really help you identify important messages in your inbox and it is automatically done for you if you set up a FILTER.

Customized Inboxes ~ automatically apply a label and 'archive' to create custom/priority inboxes for mail such as 'payroll stubs', the tech updates; the school discussion forum, etc'

Automatically 'delete' unwanted incoming mail - if you have thousands of unread messages and you want to get rid of all of the 'newsletters, promotions' etc all at once from a particular sender you can search and delete. However, you can run a filter to detect those incoming and auto delete them and also delete all matching messages at the same time. This can clean your inbox so fast!

Great for beginners, those never properly introduced to Gmail and anyone who desires 'inbox zero.'

Need a filter for Google Classroom notifications? Follow instructions here.

Email Me Chrome Extension

Want a web page sent to your inbox? Just install 'email me' Chrome extension.

Email This is free for up to 20 article saves per month. If you want to save more than that, you can pay $19 a year for a premium subscription, which also includes the ability to add searchable notes onto saved articles.

Tip, when you see your first article in your inbox, create a FILTER to label it 'Saved Articles' and it will auto label, if you want it to be a 'special inbox' just select the archive feature as well and it will collect them all into this folder so they never show up in your regular inbox.

If you loved INBOX and not feeling the full love for new Gmail, you might like this article:

gMail Essentials