Elon Elementary Title I

What is Elon Elementary Title I?

Our vision is to cultivate excellence in every child, every day.  The ACPS Title I Program seeks to reinforce this vision by providing effective educational supports though a school-wide program that collaborates with parents and school staff so that every child is provided an opportunity to become successful readers.  We are deeply committed to equipping every child with the ability to read--and read well!  Learning to read is an essential skill for not only academic success, but for students to become life-ready.  We believe strongly that well-equipped, well-supported, and well-informed teachers are our best assurance in providing students with the critical reading and writing skills needed to be productive, literate citizens.

Mrs. Joy Kurko

Email:  jkurko@amherst.k12.va.us

School:  (434) 528-6496

Google Voice/text:  (434) 381-0666

Mrs. Melanie Tinsley

Email: mtinsley@amherst.k12.va.us

School: (434) 528-6496

Google Voice/text: (540) 404-1297 

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Parent Information

Phonological Awareness guide for parents.pdf