Ames Middle School

Welcome to AMS FIRST LEGO League!

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome back to school! We are ready to launch our 2023-2024 FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Season: Masterpiece.

My name is Dagney Paskach, and I am an 8th grade science teacher here at Ames Middle School. As a former AMS FLL team member and mentor, I am thrilled to be able to give back to this program again this year.

This year, we will have four FLL teams. This year's season calendar can be viewed on the website.

All students who wish to participate this year, including returning team members, will need to take part in a tryout. Details such as dates, times, and requirements are posted on the website.

Training sessions are being provided as an opportunity for students to learn about what FLL is and how to prepare for their tryout. It is optional, but highly recommended, to attend a training session. More information is located on the Training page of the website.

All prospective team members will need to sign up for a tryout time on the paper signup at room G212. The application form is due at your tryout time. The application form and information sheets on preparing for the tryout are on the website.

I am very much looking forward to working with this year's teams! Let me know if you have any questions!

Dagney Paskach

Ames Middle School FLL Coach