What Does a Counselor Do?

A school counselor is an integral part of a school system that supports the academic, social and career goals of the students to promote their success now and in the future. Some of these roles include but are not limited to:

a) Individual counseling (crisis or regular basis)

b) Group counseling (usual topics are divorce, self esteem, friendship, bullying, anger management, grief, or social skills).

c) Classroom guidance (self esteem, bullying, conflict resolution)

d) 504 coordinator

e) At-risk coordinator

f) Secure outside resources for students and families when possible

g) Backpack Buddy Club (for families that need assistance with food)

h) Collect and disburse school clothing

i) Homeless liaision

j) Assist parents and teachers in supporting the students

k) Member of the Problem Solving Team (for academic assistance)

l) After-school clubs coordinator

A good relationship with students, families and the community is crucial to the success of our students and their futures. I am here to help! Looking forward to working with you!