Nucler shell-model calculations  "KSHELL" code

This page is for the "KSHELL" code for nuclear shell-model calculation.

Noritaka Shimizu, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

"KSHELL" code is a shell-model code that was recently developed by N. Shimizu and collaborators. 

It works in a similar manner to traditional shell-model codes, such as "OXBASH", "NuShell", "ANTOINE", "MSHELL64", and so on.

"KSHELL" code enables us to perform nuclear shell-model calculations with M-scheme basis representation with the thick-restart block Lanczos method. This code is easily used on a Linux PC with a many-core CPU and OpenMP library.  It is also used on a state-of-the-art massive parallel computer with hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel programming. This manual explains how to use this code.

This code is equipped with a user-friendly dialogue interface to generate a shell script to run a job. By modifying this script, the code runs on various computers including supercomputers. Intel Fortran compiler with a Linux OS is most recommended. It can compute energy levels, spin, isospin, magnetic and quadrupole moments, E2/M1 transition probabilities, and one-particle spectroscopic factors. Up to hundreds of billions M-scheme dimensions is capable if enough memory is available on the computers.

The ground-state energy of 56Ni with a pf-shell and KB3 interaction (one billion M-scheme dimensions) was computed in 53 seconds using 144 nodes (8064 CPU cores) with the Oakbridge-CX supercomputer, at the University of Tokyo.

This software is allowed to use only for academic purposes. Any warranty is not available. 

If you use it, please cite the following reference in your publication.

N. Shimizu, T. Mizusaki, Y. Utsuno,  and Y. Tsunoda, 

 "Thick-restart block Lanczos method in nuclear shell-model calculations'',

  Comp. Phys. Comm. 244, 372 (2019).

N. Shimizu, "Nuclear shell-model code for massive parallel computation, KSHELL", arXiv:1310.5431 [nucl-th] (2013).

This software has been supported by KAKENHI grants (25870168, 17K05433),  HPCI strategic program field 5, priority issue 9 to be tackled by Post-K computer, and Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku.

Any information, suggestion,  or interaction files to be equipped are welcome. 

Please contact the author (

原子核殻模型計算コード"KSHELL" は、M-scheme 基底を用い、Thick-restart block Lanczos法による殻模型計算をおこなうプログラムです。

Linux PC 上で簡単に使え、OpenMP スレッド並列に対応しているのでCPU コアを有効に使えます。さらに、同じ使い勝手で、MPI+OpenMP ハイブリッド並列による大規模並列計算にも使えることが特徴です。 このプログラムは簡便な対話型インターフェースを備え、ジョブ実行のためのシェルスクリプトを生成します。このスクリプトを修正することにより、多くの計算機環境に対応できます。(Linux OS とIntel Fortran compiler が推奨です。) エネルギー準位、スピン、アイソスピン期待値、磁気能率、四重極能率、E2/M1/E1/GT 遷移確率、一粒子分光学的因子を求めることができます。 M-scheme 次元にして、1000億次元を超える系の計算実績をもっており、56Ni pf-shell KB3 相互作用の基底状態(10 億次元の行列対角化に相当) を、53 秒で計算できました。(@東京大学 Oakbridge-CX 144 ノード、8064 コア)


N. Shimizu, T. Mizusaki, T. Utsuno,  and Y. Tsunoda, 

 "Thick-restart block Lanczos method in nuclear shell-model calculations'',

  Comp. Phys. Comm. 244, 372 (2019).

N. Shimizu, "Nuclear shell-model code for massive parallel computation, KSHELL", arXiv:1310.5431 [nucl-th] (2013).

このソフトウエアは、科研費(25870168, 17K05433)、HPCI戦略分野5、ポスト京重点課題9、富岳成果創出加速プログラムの援助を受けています。


情報提供、バグ報告、改良、.snt ファイルの提供などを歓迎します。e-mail にて作者( までお寄せください。