CG:YRF 2024

Book of abstracts (with the program)

The 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024) (Athens, Greece, June 11–14, 2024) brings together the global community of researchers who work on a large variety of aspects that combine geometry, algorithms and applications. To allow a broad audience to actively participate in the community's major scientific event, SoCG is accompanied by a series of satellite events, which together constitute "CG Week 2024".

One of these satellite events is the "Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum" (CG:YRF), which is aimed at current and recent students. The active involvement by students and recent graduates in research, discussions, and social events has been longstanding tradition in the CG community. Participation in a top-level event such as SoCG can be educating, motivating, and useful for networking, both with other students and with more senior scientists.

The YRF presents young researchers an opportunity to present their work (in progress as well as finished results) to the CG community in a friendly, open setting. Just like in the main event, presentations will be given in the form of talks. A pre-screening (but no formal review process) ensures appropriate quality control.

Accepted abstracts should not be considered a formal publication. In particular, participants are encouraged to submit (an extended version of) their presented work to a conference with formal proceedings and/or to a journal. Abstracts from previous years' YRF are available on

Program Committee

CG:YRF'24  cfp at CGWeek'24 website