About Me
Mrs. Kinder is from the Chicago area, and moved to the west almost 7 years ago. She got her bachelor's degree from Purdue University in Psychology, and then went on to get her master's from Idaho State University in Counseling, with a specialty in School Counseling. This is her 5th year as a school counselor, and she loves working with students. She really enjoys building relationships and getting to see them grow throughout their time in elementary school.
What is a School Counselor?
A School Counselor does...
Individual counseling with students
Lead small group discussions and activities
Collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators
Provide referrals to community resources
Support the school environment
What things can School Counselor's help with?
Social Emotional Skills: conflict resolution, making and keeping friends, family changes and grief, social responsibility, caring for self, resiliency, feelings and emotions, and calm down strategies
Academic Skills: connecting to real life events, skills for learning
Career Skills: explore interests and abilities that can help them in future careers
Mrs. Kinder's Daily Schedule
Monday: Snow Springs
Wednesday: Snow Springs
Friday AM: Snow Springs