
October History:

The high school began with a quick review on the discovery of America up through the Revolutionary War. We then analyzed how the onset of the Industrial Revolution impacted the division of the northern Union and the southern states leading to the Civil War. Our studies of the Civil War itself continued at a slower, more in-depth pace to get a full understanding of the ramifications of the conflict. To fully grasp the devastation of the war, we examined the battle of Gettysburg. The students then wrote a story from the point of view of a person of living during the time of the battle. Finally, we recently finished assessing the Reconstruction of the Civil War, and rather than it being a peaceful transition as Abraham Lincoln had hoped, was in effect, a continuation of the war with different factions fighting each other for what they believed to be their rights.

In the middle grades class we have examined the voyages of Christopher Columbus and Spain’s interest in the New World. We then analyzed the politics between England and Spain during this period. We discussed Henry VIII’s causation of movement toward the New World by his strained relationship with the Spanish with the divorce of Catherine of Aragon and the establishment of the Church of England with its lack of freedom of worship. These further expeditions, of both the Spanish and the English, drew the French to set up their own explorations as well. We then delved into the different treatments of the Native Americans and styles of colonization of each country in the Americas. To familiarize the students with the benefits of the exploration of the Americas, they played a simulation game of setting up the explorations. The students were divided into three groups representing the three countries: Spain, France, and England. They were given a certain amount of gold to use to explore a new land where they could build settlements and gain resources. This allowed them to acquire more gold for their given countries as well as discover ways to collect resources more efficiently. The students enjoyed watching “Captain Blood”, starring Errol Flynn, and historical fiction film about a doctor who is sent to be a slave in Port Royal in punishment for operating on an injured English rebel fighter. The doctor escapes and becomes the Robin Hood of the high seas because he is a wanted man in his home of England.

Second Quarter History:

This last Quarter the high school students have been investigating the growth of America during the turn of the century. After the reconstruction of the Civil War a new industrial revolution occurred, paving the way for new inventions and philosophies. This energized the women's rights movement and the philosophy of equality for all of human beings in America.

The middle school students studied the emigration of the colonists from Europe, the religious issues along with the challenges. They further explored the different commodities the colonists learned to harvest through creating their own map of the early colonies. The disputes between England and the other countries settling America and studied how the conflict with France lead to the French and Indian War, which in turn set the stage for the American Revolution, with the increase of taxes from England in recouping its financial losses.