Through the artsmark award the school now adopts a whole school theme approach which supports SMSC and provides children with a rich and varied curriculum. This has also allowed children to attend whole school trips.
Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
We enjoy using the arts and allowing all children to display their work. We collect photos of work and ensure a creative approach across the curriculum.
Ensuring a positive and inclusive experience – opportunities open to all, irrespective of ability.
We pride ourselves in providing an inclusive and creative curriculum, for example a wet felt workshop and trips that are linked to the curriculum and available to all.
Actively involving children and young people -
Many children have a valuable role within school, such as school councillor or house captain. Roles have also been created recently such as community lead and collective worship lead.
Enabling personal progression
The SMSC curriculum has a very high priority and the development of our Collective worship with time for reflection around the world in which we live and the development of our activities to achieve before children leave each key stage, motivated by the National Trust Creative “50 things to do before 11 and ¾
Developing belonging and ownership
The environment policy states that all children are to have work on display, allowing all children to be proud of their work. Children are also encouraged to work together with adults on classroom displays, working collaboratively to make the final display.
Through the artsmark process both pupils and staff have been able to progress and deepen their knowledge of the arts. The curriculum has been broadened, more arts opportunities are available within the school both in and outside of the school day. Staff are now far more confident in delivering arts lessons and enjoy having the freedom and opportunity to develop the curriculum in a creative way.
Enjoying a visit from South Step Dance from Southfields Secondary School.