Who Are We?

Read more about the teachers and the courses offered in the BCE Academy.

Recent Course Updates

Digital Foundations

In Digital Foundations, students were identifying how and why icons are used in everyday life, and how we can design effective and cohesive icons ourselves.

Business Courses

Mrs. Jacob's business classes did a fun Thanksgiving activity called 'Show me your brand without showing me your brand.' Students decorated a turkey to look like a brand of their choice. Here are the winning turkeys that were selected by the BCE Academy teachers. It was really fun to see the local brands that they highlighted.


In World History, students are working through our Manor Game simulation in connection with our Middle Ages unit. In Early U.S. History, students are in the final stages of their research projects and are soon beginning debates on 21st century immigration issues.

Previous Course Updates:

U.S. History

Students are currently studying immigration legislation and restrictions in the 19th and 20th centuries. They are looking at specific laws, political cartoons, and video material that covers this era of our nation’s immigration policies.

Print Technologies

Students in Print Technologies are designing and printing their own professional decals!

Pottery & Sculpture

Students in Pottery & Sculpture are learning an alternative firing technique called Horsehair Pottery.

Computer Hardware & Operating Systems

This is a brand new class this year. Students completed a project setting up a Raspberry Pi mini computer and installed the Raspbian Buster operating system!

College Public Speaking

Upcoming presentations - Students will be working on giving a group informative speech as wells as a 'how to demonstration'.

Introduction to Networking

Students successfully connected 27 different laptops to each other through 4 different network switches. They configured IP addresses on the laptops and were able to successfully use a Ping command to verify communication success!


Honors Advanced Algebra and Advanced Algebra classes have completed an activity with Barbie dolls to replicate bungee jumping. Students are currently learning about scatter plots and lines of regression. The ultimate goal is to create a scatter plot, determine a line of regression, and then successfully have their Barbie bungee jump off the third floor in the academic wings.

Marketing I

Juniors Alexa Eggbraaten and Grace Wink made excellent presentations on DECA Foundation Scholarships.

These scholarships provide clothing reimbursements and activity fee scholarships for students’ in need. Thank you DECA Foundation!!