Title I Program:

Ellendale Elementary is a School Wide Title I school. This means we receive federal funding due to the number of students who receive Free and Reduced lunch. The Title 1 program provides financial assistance to local agencies and schools with high numbers of children from low income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. These funds are used for various purposes such as hiring additional staff, purchasing instructional resources, providing staff development, as well as funding parent involvement activities like our parent nights. To comply with federal requirements, we must hold annual parent meetings and notify parents on a variety of subject areas. If at any time you have any questions about our Title I status, please contact the principal.

TItle I Presentation in Spanish.pdf

Parent & Family Involvement Policy

EES Title 1: Parent and Family Engagement


EES Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Spanish version


School Parent Compact


English Spanish

Title I Brochure

Title I Brochure.pdf
Title I Brochure Spanish Version.pdf

English Spanish

Highly Qualified Notification to Parents

Highly Qualified Letter to all Parents English.pdf
Highly Qualified Letter to all Parents Spanish.pdf

English Spanish