Tithe.ly Demo

In the worship of God we offer gifts to God, always recognizing that He first has gifted us. This is an important spiritual discipline because it teaches us the true source of all of our blessings and it allows God’s church to advance His kingdom with His light. God celebrates in our gifts because it allows us to more fully rely on His faithfulness.

Tithe.ly is our new tool for fast, secure and easy tithing to Ascension. Review these three options for using this flexible service. You may also set up recurring payments, support one of ALC's missions, or pay for an ALC event.

Online Giving

Use your web browser to give with Tithe.ly.

  1. Click this link to open the Tithe.ly giving portal in a new web page.
  2. Register with Tithe.ly and provide your credit card(s) or bank account info.
  3. Select the type of giving you are submitting (tithing, special offering, event payment, etc.).
  4. Enter the amount of your generous gift.
  5. Click Submit.

You're done!

Download the App

Open the Apple Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone and search for Tithe.ly. It should look like the graphic above.

  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the app, register with Tithe.ly and provide your credit card(s) or bank account info.
  3. Search for Ascension Lutheran Church using our phone number.
  4. Select the type of giving you are submitting (tithing, special offering, event payment, etc.).
  5. Enter the amount of your gift.
  6. Click Submit.

You're done! Here's a short demo video.

Text Your Giving

  1. Create a new contact on your phone and call it ALC Tithe.ly Text. (you can import our contact file from this link).
  2. The phone number is 424-456-2045.
  3. Create a new message to the ALC Tithe.ly Text contact.
  4. Simply type "give" and click Send.
  5. You'll receive a reply shortly with a link to further instructions on how to register.
  6. Follow the instructions and prompts carefully to submit your giving.

You're done! Here's a short demo video.

Please bear in mind that these conveniences are provided in addition to the existing methods of submitting your giving to the church. You will always be able to provide ALC your check, cash, money order or credit/debit charge in the office, via your giving envelopes, or in the Sunday offering plate. Got questions? Email us at ALC.