NEWS FLASH! Virtual Day 2 /3 Information for Students (These will be in your Google classroom for Day 2 and Day 3Reading/Lang. Arts    /  Math2, Math3  /  Science2, Science3SS2, SS3Writing2, Writing3    Winter snow day packets were sent home for each subject area in early December!  First snow day, no work.  Second and third will be the days the packets should be completed.  Email your teacher with questions.

Virtual Day 1 Information for Students - Has been completed and collected.

Here is where it all begins! 

Language Arts:   In module seven, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that provide information about the ocean and how it is critical to human survival. They will have opportunities to identify central ideas, text structure, author’s craft, and ideas and support in order to better understand unfamiliar texts.  Students will also encounter poetry.  

Math:  Gaining the full understanding of our work with fractions (multiplication and division) along with using reasoning skills to write multiplication and division equations is on the docket as we have begun lesson 4.  Also working on solidifying our math facts of 11, 12, and 15s. 

Science: “Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycling.” The driving question is “What causes the Earth’s surface to change?” Students will analyze data from many locations and time periods to determine why mountains and landscapes grow, move, and shrink. 

Social Studies/Tech: Students will explore the topic of Financial Literacy and various technology practices including basic typing skills.

Writing/Lexia: The students will be writing narratives and work towards a weekly goal in Lexia.

Mr. Ratliff- Mathematics 

Mrs. Otdoerfer - Reading 

Mrs. Renaud- Science 

Mr. Helm- Social Studies / Technology  

   Mrs. Bates- Writing / Lexia