Albia 4th Grade
Winter/Spring 2025
*February 21st - No School (Staff Development)
*February 24th - Family Math Night @ H.S. 5:30-6:30
*March 1st - PTO Carnival
*March 3, 5 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - 1:00 Dismissal
14th (Monday)- 1:30-7:30
16th (Wednesday)- 1:30-6:30
*March 7th - No School
*March 10-14th - Spring Break
*March 24th - End of 3rd Quarter
*April 7-11th - ISASP
*April 18th - No School (Staff Development)
*May 9th - 4th Grade Wax Museum (for Parents) 2:00-2:45
Links for Students
Reading Skills
Compare/contrast point of view of different stories (person point of view)
Structure of informational text
Explain how an author uses reasons/evidence to support particular points in a text
Make logical inferences through critical reading/thinking using details from text.
Summarizing text
Read, read, read, and read some more ☺
Main idea & details
Multi-step story problems
Angles and Measurement
Language Arts
use relative pronouns/adverbs
form and use verb tenses
Spelling words correctly
Consult references (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.)
Produce complete sentences
acquire/use grade appropriate words
choose punctuation for effect
choose words/phrases to convey ideas precisely
Punctuating dialogue
Using correct grammar and punctuation
Letter writing - formal and informal
Opinion Writing
Informational Writing
Narrative Writing
The teachers are currently learning the new moduels created by Open Sci-Ed. We are learning/teaching the 3rd module, with one more module left. This will be learned this February.
The current modules are earth's processes, energy transfer & collisions, and electricity. The new model this spring will be about structure and function.
Social Studies
Our Earth - map skills
Northeast Region, Southern States, Midwest Region
United States Government
Mrs. Heaton
Mrs. Hutchinson
Mrs. Martin
Mrs. Ratliff