Racial Justice 101: Microaggressions & Microaffirmations

February 25

7-9 PM

via Zoom

The Nanook Diversity & Action Center in partnership with the NAACP Greater Fairbanks Branch brings you the latest installment of the Racial Justice 101 series!

Racial Justice 101 is an opportunity for the community to learn about and engage in racial justice work. Each month we host workshops, panels, or keynotes from racial justice practitioners and activists across Alaska and the nation.

Our latest workshop will focus on microaggressions and microaffirmations, facilitated by Kelley Lassey and Jo Malbert Narvaez.

Kelley Lassey (she/her) currently serves as the UA HR Labor and Employee Engagement Specialist and a member of Racial Justice for UA.

Jo Malbert Narvaez (he/they) currently serves as the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator for the Nanook Diversity & Action Center. They are a member of Racial Justice for UA, serve as the NAACP Community Coordination Committee chair leading the NAACP Antiracism and Sensitivity Training efforts.

**While our events are free to everyone, it would be incredibly valuable to receive your financial support to cover the costs of Racial Justice 101. The suggested donation amount is $10.00. However, we will be glad to accept any amount. If you are not able to donate, please do not let that stop you from attending.

To donate:

Option 1: Please mail a check to:

Fairbanks NAACP

Attn: Antiracism and Sensitivity Training

P.O. Box 84437

Fairbanks, AK 99708

Option 2: Donate via Venmo

username: @Fairbanks-NAACP

Kelley Lassey (she | her), HR Professional

Kelley Lassey is a mother, a wife, and a long time Fairbanksan. She loves traveling with her family through West Africa and Europe, broadening their world view and making life long friends.

In 2015 Kelley (she/her) trained in alternative dispute resolution in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the Community Dispute Settlement Center (CDSC), a not-for-profit mediation and training center dedicated to providing an alternative and affordable forum for resolving conflict. Kelley later interned with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Chicago and instantly found her passion. Kelley firmly believes that representation matters. As organizations and society become more diverse, developing an empathetic understanding of intergroup relations and building social connections is essential for the seeds of change to grow.

Kelley lives in Fairbanks with her husband of 17 years and their three children.

Jo Malbert Narvaez ( he | they), Diversity & Inclusion Cordinator

Jo Malbert Narvaez (he/they), currently serves as the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator for the Nanook Diversity & Action Center at UAF. Through their role, Jo provides university students with personal growth and leadership opportunities in the areas of identity, intersectionality inclusion, equity, and social justice. They also are a part of various DEI leaders at the University of Alaska Fairbanks who are developing the Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence, or SPIE.

Jo is from the island Borikén (also known as Puerto Rico), a land filled with rich and resilient Taino and African culture. Arrived in Alaska in 2014, Jo has been part of the UAF community as a student and now as a staff member. During their time at UAF, they developed a passion for social justice and advocating for those whose voices have been historically marginalized. Their graduate training is in Social Justice in Higher Education Administration and is passionate about working with staff and students to make UAF a truly welcoming and inclusive community.

In conjunction with other Black employees, they created Racial Justice for UA, an advocacy group with the mission to address systemic racial inequity at the University of Alaska. Jo currently serves as the Community Coordination Committee chair for the NAACP Greater Fairbanks Chapter. Through their personal story, workshops, and training facilitation, Jo brings an intersectional approach to racial justice, with a focus on gender, sexuality, and equity in education.