Upcoming Workshops

*All time&dates of MA, USA(EST)

Positive Discipline Online 6 Weeks Workshop

Join me in this Interactive Online Parenting Class!
This six-week online workshop will teach you the most important, family-changing skills from the Positive Discipline books, and through activities.
The last 30 minutes of every week will be PHPPSS, an activity that uses a specific problem/situation brought up by participants. Through this activity, the volunteer will seek solutions with help from others. 

Here are some of the topics covered in this 6 week workshop.

and many many more parenting tools!

Online Class Package (Downloadable Positive Discipline Book, Workbook and tool cards) is NOT included in the 6 week price and is not necessary to participate, but is a great and recommended resource for you to have. Please let me know if you would like to purchase one.
※The physical copy of the book may be purchased at this link. Tool Cards and Workbook are also recommended to have for this 6 Week Workshop. PDF Version for Tool Cards and the Workbook, as well as the Tool Cards app for phones also available for purchase.

Future Workshops

※Cancellation policy for all workshops: "Full price -US$15.00" refund 3 days prior to workshop start date; no refund last two days prior to workshop start date, however you may use it towards another course held by Akeha Hirabayashi.

Retaking courses: If you complete the 6 weeks, you may retake the 6 Week workshop held by Akeha Hirabayashi at least once, with no extra charge.

Minimum of 2 groups participation required. In case we don't reach that number of  participants,  the workshop will be rescheduled. The fee will be carried over to the next workshop. Refund of  "Full Price-Paypal Fee(US $5.69~$6.74 at the time of 7.14.2022)" is  also an option.

1 Hour Introductory Workshop(Zoom)

Future Workshops

To be determined!

  • Minimum of 2 groups participation required.

Registering within 24hours of the start time may cause delay in sending you the URL to participate.

※Cancellation policy for all workshops: "Full price -US$10.00" ( Ex. $10 refund if you paid $20) refund 3 days prior to workshop start date; no refund last two days prior to workshop start date, however you may use it towards another course held by Akeha Hirabayashi.

※Minimum of 2 groups participation required. In case we don't reach that number of  participants,  the workshop will be rescheduled. The fee will be carried over to the next workshop. Refund of  "Full price-Paypal Fee(US $1.50 at the time of 2.11.2022)" is  also an option.

About Positive Discipline Workshops

Positive Discipline is a program developed by Dr. Jane Nelsen.
This program helps parents (and other adults) teach their children to learn from mistakes, become responsible and resourceful members of their communities in a non-punitive way, that has a long-term effect, and with respect and encouragement

The tools and concepts of Positive Discipline include: 
-Mutual respect. Adults model firmness by respecting themselves and the needs of the situation, and kindness by respecting the needs of the child.
-Identifying the belief behind the behavior. Effective discipline recognizes the reasons kids do what they do and works to change those beliefs, rather than merely attempting to change behavior.
-Effective communication and problem solving skills.
-Discipline that teaches (and is neither permissive nor punitive).
-Focusing on solutions instead of punishment.
-Encouragement (instead of praise). Encouragement notices effort and improvement, not just success, and builds long-term self-esteem and empowerment. 

I'm Akeha! I am based in Massachusetts, United States, I am a mom of 2 and a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator

I absolutely think that Positive Discipline can help many people. It has been helping me with my own parenting journey, as well as every relationship I have with other people, and above all it has helped me be more comfortable with myself.

I wish to be a cause of someone else's happiness through the workshops that I hold. I hope to see you there!