Personal Project Expo

April 5-6

Location: Palm Pavilion


Tue: Grades 5,6,7

Wed: Grades 8&9



Wed: 17:00-18:00

Welcome to the AISL Grade 10 Personal Project Expo!

The personal project is a combination of learning of the MYP. From Grade 6 to Grade 10, students learn all kinds of skills from their classes and extracurricular activities. This project is an opportunity to practice those ATL skills (The approaches to learning skills). Not only are these skills necessary in their classes, but also in their day-to-day lives, and are the type of skills 21st century corporations are looking for.

There are five categories which are broken up into clusters and then indicators. The categories are Communication skills, Research skills, Social skills, Thinking skills and Self-management skills. Personal Project students work to improve in all these skills and reflect on them on their reports.

The personal project is an independent project meaning that while kids have supervisors and parents, they are ultimately responsible for their project's success. It is their passion. It is their responsibility to ask for help if they need it and schedule appointments with their teachers. They are in charge of keeping track of their progress in their process journals and keeping up with deadlines. However, teachers as well as parents will support and encourage whenever possible. While the product is often admirale, the process is what is essential. The process is what leads us back to the ATL skills. The Personal Project prepares students for any difficulties they might face while doing the DP in 11th and 12th grade. Focusing on the ATL skills will immensely help students learn to cope with real-life pressures.