Support causes. Expand your reach. Bring the community to your video.
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Interested? Sign up for an account as a business and enter your business's information. When creating a post, click "I Need a Video" and donate to a cause you support to receive a video as a gift. If you have a video, promote on Aidtree's directory based on your zip code. Aidtree conveniently blends digital content, customers, and advertising into one platform, thus creating value for everyone!
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Customer Base
Get digitzed content with a built-in customer base. Aidtree blends all aspects of advertising & donations into one platform!
Interested in Donating to a Cause for a Video?
Sign up as a business
If you have a video, create a post and promote based on zip code on Aidtree's directroy
If you need a video, donate to a cause and receive a video from Aidtree's video creators in return
More information
Check out this video to see how Aidtree's business post directory works!