Miss Zant's Reformative Math

Welcome back to school!

This year will look very different from what we are used to, but know that I am here for any questions or trouble you might be having. Even if it is not for my class I will always do my best to help you. This will be my first year teaching so we will both be learning a lot of new things as the year goes on. Please understand that I might not have all the answers for you when you ask. However, I will get you the right answer when I find out what it is.

In this class we will make mistakes and that is OKAY, we learn more from our mistakes than successes. Mistakes teach us and they help us learn so even if you do not have the right answer at least you are trying. Plus it is math, we are all going to make mistakes, but we will fix them and learn from them.

Please always try your best and I will do the same! If you have any questions just ask, I am happy to help as much as I possibly can.