Student Information
Tips on approaching your examinations
One of the best ways to beat your nerves on exam day is plan ahead and be prepared!
Try to reach your revision targets but don’t study too much and leave yourself tired.
Get a good night’s rest, eat well and drink plenty of water.
Get organised - check you have everything you need and understand what is involved.
Arrive for your exam in good time – you will add to the pressure if you are running late.
Exam papers have all the guidance you need. Take the time to understand the questions, the marks involved and which questions appear difficult. Start with your strongest areas offering the most marks to give yourself a confident start..
Try to leave enough time to read through your answers before the exam closes.
You cannot change answers once the exam is finished so don’t worry about questions you found difficult, or you feel may not be correct. Instead, try to think about how you can improve your approach ready for your next exam.
Examination Revision Techniques and Links
Exam and revision can be a daunting prospect for both students and parents. At UCA we want to take a supportive and pro-active approach to revision by providing students and parent's with as many resources as possible.
If you are struggling to find ways to revise then please access the links below which will take you to a folder full of materials for each subject. Each student in Year 11 also received a revision pack filled with resources and revision guides for each subject at the beginning of the year. These will prove invaluable in helping students prepare for their exams.
Hopefully, the information below will help both students and parents through the revision process.
Please click here to view our revision techniques and tips.
Please click on the above link to access Seneca's learning resources which will help with your revision for your forth coming examinations.
Google Classroom
The google classroom learning platform is used by all subjects within the academy. Students can access classwork, homework, assignments etc online and ‘hand in’ work to their teacher. Other useful teaching resources can also be accessed via the google classroom.
Sparx Maths
Every student in the academy has access to Sparx Maths. This is a personalised maths homework program that is designed to boost student grades when used regularly.
Sparx Science
Every student in the academy has access to Sparx Science. This is a personalised science homework program that is designed to boost student grades when used regularly.
Duolingo MFL
Duolingo is a virtual learning platform that offers students a range of activities and courses covering a number of languages. Students at Unity can complete work online to help them with their understanding of French or Spanish.
Century Learning Platform
Century learning platform is an Intelligent personalisation online program that improves student engagement and understanding across a number of subjects. Students at Unity can across a range of tasks and activities for English, Mathematics and Science.