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SPaG target

Use apostrophes correctly for possession

Writing link


SPaG objective 1: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Own it!

Aim: Show the pupils an example of the apostrophe being used to show possession. Highlight its role and what it looks like with and without the apostrophe used. Discuss how the apostrophe makes things clearer and indicates possession. Talk about possession. Understand it. Then show the pupils the ‘Apostrophe Alley’ document. Ask: who do you think owns each item? Once you have the correct match, can you write a sentence to show possession using an apostrophe correctly?

Resources required: The ‘Apostrophe Alley’ document. You can also adapt this adding characters and possession from the class book: Eg, Owl’s treetop house

SPaG objective 2: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: The Punctuation Thief

Aim: Oh no! He’s done it again! And this time he’s stolen all of the apostrophes. Can you help find how many he has stolen and then add them back?

Resources required: The Punctuation Thief template. This activity works best when text is used from the class book or topic.

SPaG objective 3: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Operation Apostrophe

Aim: Welcome to Operation Apostrophe. A mission that involves skill and super speed. When you teacher says go…Go! Pupils then race against the time to mark the apostrophes. This can be a task set for sentences in list form or short paragraphs.

Resources required: Operation Apostrophe template

SPaG objective 4: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Right or Wrong?

Aim: Can you spot the right… and the wrong? Explain that a piece of text from the class book/topic has been punctuated with possessive apostrophes, but are they right or wrong? You decide.

Resources required: Right or Wrong? template

SPaG objective 5: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Who and How Many?

Aim: Discuss singular and plural. Model how the apostrophe works with both. Now using the pictures can you write a sentence using the apostrophe correctly?

Resources required: Who and How Many? template — this can be adapted to include characters / events from the class text / topic

SPaG objective 6: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Give and they Get!

Aim: Discuss singular and plural. Then introduce your mascot: this can be a school mascot/Bitmoji or someone that resonates with the class. Today they (the mascot) are feeling generous, and I have their gift list. Show the pupils the list of gifts the mascot is giving out. At this point the pupils will see their name with a gift next to it. Question: can you work your way through the list using an apostrophe to show ownership for each pupil’s gift? This can be shifted to the plural by adding groups.

Resources required: Give and they Get! template

SPaG objective 7: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular and plural)

Activity: Dr Dictation

Aim: Dr Dictation is in the house. Whatever he/she/they say — you write! Dr Dictation reads an extract from the class book / topic and the pupils write. And don’t forget those possessive apostrophes!

SPaG objective 8: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular)

Activity: Whose Hat?

Aim: Show the pupils a variety of characters who usually wear hats. Can you match the hats and then write a sentence to show the ownership using an apostrophe?

Resources required: Whose Hat? document