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SPaG target

Use apostrophes correctly for contraction

Writing link


SPaG objective 1: I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling

Activity: MunchaBunch

Aim: It’s time to 'munchabunch' of letters. Show the class the hungry apostrophe and explain that he/she/it munches the letters from two words to make one word: a contraction. Then show the class the list of words that need munching. Task: Cut out the apostrophe and then munch a bunch of letters.

Resources Required: MunchaBunch sheet with words

SPaG objective 2: I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling

Activity: Operation Apostrophe 2

Aim: Show the class the Operation Apostrophe 2 poster. Meet Jurgen the surgeon and his dilemma. Then it’s time to dress up, open the surgery and get down to some CONTRACTION ACTION!

Resources Required: Operation Apostrophe poster and surgeon accessories: face masks, hair nets, post-its (as stitches)

SPaG objective 3: I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling

Activity: The Punctuation Thief

Aim: Oh no! He’s done it again! And this time he’s stolen all of the apostrophes. Can you help find how many he has stolen and then add them back?

Resources required: The Punctuation Thief template. This activity works best when text i used from the class book or topic

SPaG objective 4: I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling

Activity: Memory Match

Aim: Can you turn over the cards to match the correct contraction to its original words?

Resources required: Memory Match set of cards

SPaG objective 5: I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling

Activity: Formal to informal

Aim: What does formal mean? What does informal mean? Discuss. Read. Discuss. Focus on purpose. Then show a quick note to a friend. This is a little formal for a note to a friend, don’t you think? We can do lots of things to help us with the formal / informal shift, one being contractions. Can you help me with this?

Resources required: Piece of formal writing

Contraction & possession

Final objective 1: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular) and I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling e.g. don’t, can’t.

Activity: Alfie the Apostrophe

Aim: Introduce Alfie the Apostrophe. Explain that his job is to hand out the correct apostrophes to the correct words, phrases, sentences. Let’s take a look at his awesome poster. Now it’s time to look at some sentences. Use this opportunity to review the difference between possession and contraction — then it’s time to hand out some apostrophes.

Resources required: Piece of text with missing apostrophes

Final objective 2: I can use the possessive apostrophe (singular) and I can write apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling e.g. don’t, can’t.

Activity: Omission or Possession

Aim: Omission or possession? You decide! Read through the extract, highlight the words that feature an apostrophe and then mark it with an O or a P.

Resources required: Extract from class book or topic