What am I teaching?

SPaG target

Using joining words

Writing link

- I can use conjunctions

- I can use different sentence openers to help my writing flow

SPaG objective 1: I can recognise conjunctions: and, but, so

Activity: Conjunction Hunt

Aim: Revisit conjunctions and discuss the words ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘so’. Look at how they work in sentences to join words, phrases and even sentences. Now it’s time to skim the text. How many conjunctions can we find? The pupils highlight and create a tally chart too.

Resources required: Small recount examples and the template document

SPaG objective 2: I can choose the correct conjunction to join words, phrases or clauses

Activity: Stick or Switch

Aim: Show pupils a small recount extract. Skim and mark all of the conjunctions: ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ (can be extended with ‘when’, ‘if’, ‘because’). The question is, are they all in the right place? If you think ‘yes’: stick. If you think ‘no’: switch. Model the task together, and then it’s time to play!

Resources required: Small recount examples with some intentional errors

SPaG objective 3: I can choose the correct conjunction to join words, phrases or clauses

Activity: Lost and Found

Aim: Show pupils a small recount extract. Oh no! Lots of words are missing! Ah, it’s the conjunctions. Can you put them back so they are no longer lost?

Resources required: Small recount examples with gaps (lost words)

SPaG objective 4: I can choose the correct conjunction to join words, phrases or clauses

Activity: Word, Phrase or Sentence

Aim: Show pupils examples of conjunctions being used to join words, phrases and sentences. Discuss the difference. Then model how to answer the task: read the example and tick correct box: word, phrase or sentence.

Resources required: Small recount examples, template document

SPaG objective 5: I can choose the correct conjunction to join words, phrases or clauses

Activity: The Spider’s WIB Web

Aim: What’s going on here? What’s a WIB web? Ah! Have you ever met the conjunction spider? They are different: they don’t just spin webs — they spin conjunctions into their webs! And WIB stands for ‘when’ ‘if’ and ‘because’. Model how to use each word and then show the sheet. In the spider’s web, the pupils will find lots of conjunctions missing. The question is: which ones?

Resources required: Template documents, sentences of small extracts in the web with gaps where the conjunctions go

SPaG objective 6: I can choose the correct conjunction to join words, phrases or clauses

Activity: True or False Conjunctions

Aim: Show the pupils a variety of examples where conjunctions have been used. Now it’s time to decide if they have been used correctly: true or false.

Resources required: Template document, sentences of small extracts with correct and incorrect examples

SPaG objective 7: I can use adverbs to open sentences

Activity: Add an Adverb

Aim: Show pupils a small paragraph from a recount text. Highlight how there are gaps at the start of many of the sentences. The writing just doesn’t flow. Agree? Explain how adverbs help to keep ‘things going’ and then show the ‘Adverb Opener’ word list. Can you help me add the right adverbs in the gaps to make the writing flow?

Resources required: Text example and the ‘Adverb Opener’ word list

SPaG objective 8: I can use adverbs to open sentences

Activity: SEARCH

Aim: What does ‘search’ mean? To look for, yes! We can also use it to remember some of those ‘ly’ adverbs that help us open sentences. Model how to break down the word ‘search’ to find the hidden adverb openers: Slowly, Eagerly, Angrily, Rapidly, Carefully, Happily. Then show a piece of text that has those words missing. Can you help me put them back to complete the recount text? To extend: can you write a recount using six sentences starting with the six openers? This can be modelled first.

Resources required: Text example that needs fixing

SPaG objective 9: I can use adverbs to open sentences

Activity: FANS MELT

Aim: Break down the FANS MELT demo and model how to apply it to writing to order events and to help writing / sentences flow. Then it’s time to have a go. Begin with recounting what happened in class today using the FANS MELT. Then provide the pupils with the download sheet and ask them to recount an event: something from a book you are reading, an experiment in class or event, or something that took place over the weekend (football match, visit to a friend’s house etc). Whatever works!

Resources required: FANS MELT document

FINAL objective: I can use conjunctions and a variety of sentence openers to help my writing flow

Activity: Go Flow!

Aim: Show pupils a piece of writing with lots of missing words. Oh no, not again! Wait! There’s no need to panic — you are all professionals at this now. The only difference this time: there are conjunctions missing and adverb openers missing. No problem: the gaps are colour coded and we have the wicked word lists.

Resources required: Template document

FINAL objective: I can use conjunctions and a variety of sentence openers to help my writing flow

Activity: We Write

Aim: Read the class text up to a certain point or review an event you have experienced as a class: school trip, for example. Explain that today, as a team, you are going to write a recount. Our writing must flow though! Using the word lists: FANS MELT, WIB, and but so, SEARCH write together stopping at specific points for contributions from the class. This a great way to assess how confident the pupils are at this stage using the conjunctions and adverb openers.

Resources required: Word Lists