What am I teaching?

SPaG target

Making appropriate word choices

Writing link

  • I can use basic descriptive language: colour, size, simple emotions

SPaG objectives 1: I can choose words to suit a theme or idea and I can add adjectives to nouns for description

Activity: Word Wizards

Aim: Show the pupils a comic strip with a significant event (battle scene); or read an extract from the class book; or show a picture from the class book. You are now all Word Wizards. Your job is to choose words that suit the scene, idea, text, topic of the stimulus. But wait, the wizards hats have letters on them: A, N, V. A stands for adjectives, n for nouns and v for verbs. Let’s start listing words that fit. Model how to do this, and also how to use a word list (if a scaffold is needed). Once the words are in place, young wizard, can you put them together to make a sentence? To be clear, there will be lots of A N V combinations on the Word Wizard page that can then be adapted in sentences

Resources required: Word Wizard sheet

SPaG objectives 2: I can choose words to suit a theme or idea and I can add adjectives to nouns for description

Activity: Sentence Steps

Aim: Show pupils the sentence steps: each step has a word that creates a sentence about an image from a text or a character/event/setting. This can be a sentence from a recount to guide the writing. First, see if they can name the word class on each step. Then, show another example with the describing word/s removed. What word class is missing? Discuss adjectives, and then using a word list fill in the missing step to complete the sentence. Then, it’s over to them to have a go. As a teacher it is up to you to decide what words are missing: it can be more than just the adjectives.

Resources required: Sentence Step sheet

SPaG objectives 3: I can choose words to suit a theme or idea and I can add adjectives to nouns for description

Activity: Word Bubbles

Aim: Fill the middle outline with a picture or a word (character / event / experience). For example: Trip to the farm. Then model how to add word combinations (adjective and noun or adjective, noun and verb) to each bubble that surrounds. You can scaffold this with nouns or adjectives already written in some of the bubbles. Whatever works best! The goal of the game is to add as much description and vocabulary as you can and then write descriptive sentences. Word lists can be included to support and scaffold.

Resources required: Word Bubbles sheets

SPaG objectives 4: I can choose words to suit a theme or idea and I can add adjectives to nouns for description

Activity: Rewind

Aim: Go back on the sentences and paragraphs written for the previous SPaG target game: The Write Route. Can you add any adjectives? Can you switch up some of the nouns? Can you improve the writing?

Resources required: Write Route writing or some form of WABOLL that needs attention

SPaG objective 1: I can choose appropriate descriptive vocabulary

Activity: Sort into Sets

Aim: Show pupils a short recount: linked to text, topic or class interests. Then model how to spot all of the adjectives. Once clear, then model how to sort them into sets: size, colour, simple emotions. Then it’s go time!

Resources required: Sorting sheet