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SPaG target

Choosing the right tense and viewpoint

Writing link

- I can write from the correct point of view

- I can choose the correct tense

SPaG objective 1: I can write in the first person

Activity: 3rd to 1st

Aim: Show the pupils a short recount: linked to text, topic or class interests. Discuss what person it is written in and what the words ‘point of view’ mean. Model how we can flip from 3rd to 1st using the pronoun ‘I’ a lot of the time (this is great opportunity to mention upper-case too) and ‘we’. Show the word list for each person’s point of view (1st and 3rd). Can you now help me with another recount example?

Resources required: Text that needs fixing

SPaG objective 2: I can write in the first person

Activity: Be Number 1

Aim: Read an extract from the class text or watch a short clip. Write some sentences from the 3rd person point of view. What about if this was you? It’s time to step inside the mind if the character in question. Have a go at some hot seating and then recounting using 1st person language and writing.

Resources required: Stimulus

SPaG objective 3: I can write in the first person and I can write in the third person

Activity: 1st or 3rd ?

Aim: Show the pupils a variety of statements from a recount text. They then decide if the sentences / statements are written in the first or third person

Resources required: 1st or 3rd Template

SPaG objective 4: I can write in the first person

Activity: 1st to 3rd

Aim: Show pupils a short recount: linked to text, topic or class interests. Discuss what person it is written in and what the words ‘point of view’ mean. Model how we can flip from 1st to 3rd. Show word list for each. Now, can you now help me with another recount example?

Resources required: Text that needs fixing

SPaG objective 5: I can write in the first person

Activity: Text Check and Change

Aim: Show pupils a short recount: diary entry written in the first person. Then ask them to shift all of the language to ensure it is written in the third person. Model how to do this with the 1st and 3rd list. What if I want to change the recount text type? Model how to shift this text into another text type, for example: a newspaper report. You can create a headline, add captions, and even draw the pictures. Who wants to have a go now?

Resources required: Text that needs checking and changing

SPaG objective 6: I can recognise and name tenses

Activity: Tense Tents

Aim: Discuss tense. Model the shift from past to present to future. Then ask if the pupils can have a go, but rather than just say the tense, they must put the correct tense in the correct tent. This can be done as a cut-and-stick game or written. Have fun!

Resources required: Sentences written in a variety of chosen tenses and Tense Tents sheet

SPaG objective 7: I can recognise and name tenses

Activity: Tense: True or False

Aim: Show a variety of sentences. Each one has a tense name. The question remains: is it true or false?

Resources required: Sentences written in a variety of chosen tenses and True or False sheet

SPaG objective 8: I can consistently write in the past tense

Activity: Put it in the past

Aim: Commentate on an experience or event in class. Eg, ‘Now, I am talking to the class and showing them the activity’. Then model how to put it all into the past: ‘Yesterday I spoke to the class and showed them the activity.’ Then, it’s their turn! Provide the pupils with short sentences or extracts that need adapting and shifting to the past tense.

Resources required: Sentences or extracts

SPaG objective 9: I can consistently write in the past tense

Activity: Spot and Jot

Aim: Explain that you will now show a text: diary entry or newspaper report that has some good examples of the past tense and some not-so-good examples. Can you spot the not-so-good examples and jot over them to fix them?

Resources required: Small recount examples with issues

FINAL objective: I can choose the correct tense and point of view in a recount text

Activity: Write Now!

Aim: Read up to a point in the class text. Then stop. Show the pupils the diary entry template. Explain that they must use the summary (made together as a shared task) to create a recount from the first-person point of view. Oh and the verbs must be in the past tense too! The plan is there and so is all the learning, now it’s time for the showing! Let’s WRITE!

Resources required: Class text