What am I teaching?

SPaG target

Sequence sentences to form short narratives

Writing link

I can show understanding of the five parts to a story

I can plan a story: time of day, weather, setting, character, event

SPaG objective 1: I can order sentences (already composed) to reflect the 5 parts of a story

Activity: Story Street

Aim: Can you put the correct sentences in order to make sure Story Street makes sense again?

Resources required: Sentences jumbled up, pictures of shops with shop signs big enough to fit each sentence. Shop sign ideas: beginning, problem, solution, ending or First, After, Next etc or Time of day, Weather, Setting, Character, Problem, Quest. Whatever works best!

SPaG objective 2: I can order and stack sequenced simple sentences about a character / setting / event using connecting words: FANS MELT (First, After, Next, Suddenly, Meanwhile, Eventually, Lastly, The story ends with…)

Activity: FANS MELT

Aim: Can you first order the jumbled up sentences? Then can you rewrite them adding the conjunctive adverb to glue the sentences to the FANS MELT acrostic sheet?

Resources required: Jumbled up sentences, FANS MELT acrostic sheet

FINAL objective: I can plan a story, showing understanding of the five parts / I can sequence sentences to form a short narrative

Activity: Map it! Stack it!

Aim: Can you plan a five-part story (map to support)? Now can you think of two or more sentences for each of the five parts? Bonus points if you can add some of the FANS MELT words and story opener vocabulary too. Pupils given time to just write. This should be free-write task: chunked over a few days with minimal pressure

Resources required: Story Map, Word Bank