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SPaG target

Punctuating the beginning and the end of sentences

Writing link

I can use capital letters for sentence openers, proper noun and the personal pronoun ‘I’

I can punctuate a question and an exclamation correctly

SPaG objective 1: I can identify missing capital letters: start of a sentence, proper nouns, personal pronoun ‘I’

Activity: The Punctuation Thief

Aim: Oh no! The Punctuation Thief has stolen all of the capital letters this time. It’s time to fix this mess. Are you ready?

Resources required: Small extract, picture to support, Punctuation Thief template

SPaG objective 2: I can sort sentences based on their required punctuation: question, command, statement, exclamation

Activity: Loop ‘em and group ‘em

Aim: The pupils must loop in different colours the similar sentences types: command, question, statement and exclamation.

Resources required: Small extract linked to text/topic, picture to support

FINAL objective: I can edit and correct a piece of work with missing punctuation: capital letters (start of a sentence, proper nouns, personal pronoun ‘I’), full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

Activity: Proof Readers

Aim: Show the pupils a fairytale. Explain that this going to print soon, but before that happens we need to proofread it. Can you all help me? Model a segment as a whole class and then set the ‘proofreaders’ off in groups, partners or as individuals to complete the task.

Resources required: A narrative extract that has the correct errors to match the I CAN statement