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SPaG target

Join words, phrases and clauses together using simple connecting words

Writing link

I can join words, phrases and sentences using the words ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’ and ‘because’

SPaG objective 1: I can write the word ‘and’ in the correct place to join words and clauses together

Activity: Fill the Gap

Aim: Show a small paragraph. Highlight the gaps. There are ten (for example), but only 6 need the word ‘and’. Can you fill the gaps?

EXT: Model how to use the word ‘because’ to justify your answers

Resources required: Small extract, picture to support

SPaG objective 2: I can create two simple related sentences about a character / setting / event and then join them together using the words ‘and’

Activity: Like them, link them

Aim: Present children with a variety of simple sentences in a list, all linked to fairytales. Explain that some of the main clauses can be joined to together using the word ‘and’. Their job is to choose which ones they would ‘like’ to go together and then ‘link’ them. Just like that, compound sentences are made!

Resources required: Sentences sheet

FINAL objective: I can join words, phrases and sentences using the words ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’ and ‘because’

Activity: BOAS

Aim: Show pupils a variety of sentences linked to the text/topic. Explain that some words are missing. Then introduce them to the BOAS. Snakes, and all Boa-constrictors, but with their own names: But, Or, And, So. The pupils cut and glue, draw lines, or just match the correct snake to the correct words, phrases or sentences to fill the gaps. To extend: add in the word ‘because’ to allow the pupils to explain why their answers work.

Resources required: BOAS graphics