What am I teaching?

SPaG target

I can check that my writing makes sense (structurally)

Writing link

I can use a simple structure in my writing (letter)

I can write more than one sentence about an idea

Part One - Format

SPaG objective 1: I can recognise the correct layout for a letter

Activity: Select the squiggles

Aim: Show pupils 5 different pieces of writing. Each of them is made up of squiggles modelling the format of a text type: two letters, story, poem (centred lines), play script. Looking just at how the squiggly lines are arranged, can you choose which ones are the letters? This is then a great opportunity to model how a letter is structured. Ask the pupils why they chose the specific squiggle docs.

Resources required: Squiggly text docs for demo and task

SPaG objective 2: I can recognise the correct layout for a letter

Activity: Framed and Named

Aim: Show pupils a piece of writing: letter. But instead of the text there are lots of empty old photo frames (different colours). The question is: what text should go in each one? Can you name the frame? Eg, address, date, salutation, body, intro, outro etc.

Resources required: Letter frames

Part Two - Paragraphs

SPaG objective 1: I can group sentences based on one idea

Activity: Mend the Mess!

Aim: Show pupils a letter with the majority of the structure correctly in place: date, address, salutations, closing. The only problem: the body of the letter is all over the place, literally. Meaning, sentences are diagonal, horizontal, vertical, in the margin — all over the place on the paper. The pupils must take these sentences back and put them in the correct order.

Resources required: Letter demo

SPaG objective 2: I can group sentences based on one idea

Activity: POWERgraphs!

Aim: Pupils discover a long list of sentences. They have bullet points. But they need to be in paragraphs. Who do we call them? The POWERgraphs! Superheroes sent to swoop and sort. The pupils show their best superhero pose and then use three colours to organise the sentences into groups. Then they stick/write them next to the correct POWERgraph superhero logo!

Resources required: POWERgraph logos sheet

Part Three - Structure

FINAL objectives: I can use a simple structure in my writing (letter) & I can write more than one sentence about an idea

Activity: Tick it! Cross it!

Aim: Show pupils two letters:

1. A letter of complaint (based on topic / text)

2. A letter of thanks (based on topic / text)

Oh no! These letters have been mixed up: the address, the salutation, the body of text. Wait some parts seem okay though, so what’s your job? Read and if you want to keep it, tick it. If you spot something that shouldn’t be there, give it a cross!

Resources required: The template sheet